Caring for Your Idle Car

Idle Car Care

Just like how your body needs to move - so does your Toyota.  Most of us don't realize that issues can build up when your vehicle is left sitting too long.

Whether it's sitting in your parking garage or you're using it sparingly for essential trips, here are a few tips to keep it maintained for the better days ahead:


  • Fill up your gas tank and even consider adding a gasoline stabilizer. 
  • Check your tires and make sure the pressure meets the guidelines that are located inside your drivers door jamb. 
  • Driving or idling your car at least once a week gets internal parts moved which provides lubrication and helps battery life. 
  • Don’t forget about regular maintenance. Many service recommendations, including oil changes and fluid replacements, are based on time rather than mileage. Your Toyota may even have complimentary ToyotaCare maintenance available, give us a call and we can check for you! Becuase our Service Departments is deemed an essential business, we are open for your service needs!
  • Give your car or truck a good visual sweep every now and then and make sure that mice or other critters haven’t set up shop inside. The areas under the hood are a favorite, so keep an eye out.
  • Washing your car :) Who doesn't want to get rid of the pollen! Rain and bird droppings can damage the paint finish.
  • Tips on how to sanitize the interior of your car can be found here.

If you have any questions about your vehicle, remember, we are here for you.

Our Service Department is an essential business and are open Monday through Friday from 7am - 6pm and Saturday from 7am - 4pm.

Give us a call today at (919) 493-5599 or schedule your next appointment here.